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Table 1 Description of the instruments

From: Self-rated health in multimorbid older general practice patients: a cross-sectional study in Germany

Abbreviation of the instrument

Function and interpretation


Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [20]; 3 items with 5 possible response categories (0 to 4 points); interpretation: total score (max. 12 points): ≤ 7 points no suspicion of an alcohol related disorder, ≥ 8 points: suspicion of an alcohol related disorder


Measures performance in basic activities of daily living [26]; 10 items with 3 categories each (0, 5 and 10 points); interpretation: total score (max. 100 points); 0 to 30 points: largely dependent from others, 35 to 80 points: need of care, 85 to 95: punctual need of care, 100: independent from others


Body-Mass-Index (weight (kg)/height (m2)); interpretation: BMI < 18.5: underweight, 18.5 to < 25: normal weight, 25 to < 30: overweight and > 30: obesity

VAS of EQ-5D

Visual analogous scale of the EuroQoL-5D (EQ-5D) [16] measures subjective health related quality of life on a scale from “0” representing the worst to “100” representing the best possible health status; interpretation: higher scores represent higher rates of subjective health


Social support questionnaire [21]; 14 items; 5 point scale; mean of the sum of all items; interpretation: high scores indicate high social support


Graded chronic pain scale [25]; 8 items, scale 0 to 10; 2 total scores: Characteristic pain intensity and Disability score; interpretation: higher scores represent higher pain intensity and higher disability caused by pain respectively


Geriatric Depression Scale [23]; 15 items; 0 vs. 1 point per item; max. 15 points; interpretation: 0 to 5 points: unsuspicious, ≥ 6 points: depressive episode likely


Instrumental Activities of Daily Living [27]; 8 items; 0 vs. 1 point per item; total score: men: item 1–2 and 6–8 (max. 5 points), women: item 1–8 (max. 8 points); interpretation: males: score < 5: with limitations, females: score < 8: with limitations


International Physical Activity Questionnaire [19]; 6 items buildup 3 scores: time spent on vigorous activity (weighting coefficient 8.0), on moderate activity (weighting coefficient 4.0) and on walking (weighting coefficient 3.3); “Total Metabolic Equivalent Task (MET)-minutes/week” calculated as follows: minutes x weighting coefficient; interpretation: low scores indicating low and high scores indicating high physical activity


Self-Efficacy Scale [22]; 10 items on a four-point scale (1 to 4 points); total score: sum of the 10 items divided by 10; interpretation: high scores indicating high self-efficacy expectation


Four-dimensional symptom questionnaire [24]; 50 items with 5 point scale; 4 sub scores reflecting the factors “somatization” (16 items), “anxiety” (12 items), “depression” (6 items) and “distress” (16 items); interpretation: somatization >10: moderate, >20 high; anxiety: >8: moderate, >12: high; depression: >2: moderate, >5: high; general distress: >10: moderate, >20: high