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Table 2 Primary and secondary endpoints

From: Design of the INTEGRATE study: effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a cardiometabolic risk assessment and treatment program integrated in primary care

Primary endpoints

Secondary endpoints

1. The number of newly detected patients with a CMD in one year follow-up

1. Difference in primary outcome 5 after implementation of different response-enhancing strategies

2. Change in individual risk factors (smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, unhealthy diet, blood pressure and cholesterol levels) for CMD between baseline and one year follow-up

2. Change in willingness to change lifestyle between baseline and one year follow-up

3. The expected number of newly detected patients with CMD and mortality after 5, 10,20 years and lifetime

3. Change in health status between baseline and one year follow up

4. Costs-effectiveness of PPA CMR


5. Non-participation and compliance in different stages of PPA CMR