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Table 2 Summary of shared GP practices for managing sick leave

From: How do general practitioners contribute to preventing long-term work disability of their patients suffering from depressive disorders? A qualitative study


Shared practices

Assessment of Sick-leave Relevance

 Information essential to supporting the relevance of sick leave

Intensity of the symptoms, magnitude of the functional repercussions

Rarely evaluated using standardized measurement tools

 Frequency of re-assessment

Re-assessment at least every 4 weeks

Treatment of Symptoms

 Type of non-pharmacological treatment recommended during sick leave


Regular physical activity

 GPs’ order of preference when steering the patient toward psychotherapy services

Employer resources (Employee Assistance Program ─ EAP)

Private resources

Public resources

Collaboration with Stakeholders

 Exchange of information with psychotherapists

Not frequent but seen as important to ensure consistency between psychotherapist’s and GP’s interventions

What is seen as most important is receiving clinical information from the psychotherapist

 Exchange of information with employers

Never done and not seen as relevant

 Exchange of information with insurers

Limited to periodically filling out forms

Seen as important, but solely to facilitate access to specialized services that are otherwise difficult to access (e.g., rehabilitation)