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Table 1 Characteristics of the tailored supportive intervention

From: Disentangling the effect of illness perceptions on health status in people with type 2 diabetes after an acute coronary event

Visit nr



Visit: 1

Moment: <  3 weeks after discharge

Aimed duration: 65 min

Problem mapping

The patient indicated to what extent problems were experienced from a list of ten topics: 1. physical activity; 2. Sexuality; 3. Pharmacotherapy; 4. monitoring scheme with different health care professionals; 5. coping together with the partner; 6. coping with the diabetes in daily life; 7. coping with an acute coronary event in daily life; 8. (depressive) feelings; 9. nutrition/diet; 10. other problems.

Discussion in depth

The nurse, patient and partner discussed in depth the three topics that were considered by the patients most important;

Goal setting

The patient set goals he/she wanted to achieve in the following two weeks.

Home work

The patient was asked to keep a daily log to track strategies for coping with events related to the topics discussed. To adjust possible less beneficial perceptions regarding diabetes, the acute coronary event and their relationship. Patients’ were asked to complete the BIPQ again. These answers were only used by the nurse as guide to discuss illness perceptions during the second visit and not as outcome.

Visit: 2

Moment: 2 weeks after first visit

Aimed duration: 45 min

Discussion in depth

Problems discussed during the first visits were reviewed to explore the remaining difficulties. The daily log was discussed to explore the strategies the patient used to cope with problems.

Discussion of illness perceptions

The reported illness perceptions were discussed to challenge misconceptions of diabetes and the acute coronary event.

Goal setting

The goals formulated during the first visit were evaluated and new goals were formulated.

Home work

The patient was asked to use a weekly log to track strategies for coping with difficulties.

Visit: 3

Moment: 2 months after second visits

Aimed duration: 45 min

Discussion in depth

Problems and illness perceptions which were discussed during the second visit were reviewed to explore the remaining difficulties on these topics. The weekly log was discussed to explore the strategies the patients used to cope with problems.

Problem mapping

The patient indicated again to what extent problems were encountered on the list of topics from the first visit and strategies to cope with these topics were discussed.

Goal setting

The goals formulated during the second visit were evaluated, and new goals were formulated.

Discussion about future

At the end of the visit uncertainties for the future regarding coping with the acute coronary event and type 2 diabetes were discussed.