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Table 2 Social distance toward PWMI among the general public (n = 1437)

From: Individual-level socioeconomic status and contact or familiarity with people with mental illness: a cross-sectional study in Wuhou District, Chengdu, Southwest China


SDSC (Mean ± SD)

The total score of Social Distance Scale

12.53 ± 3.11

Work relationsa

4.32 ± 1.59

Shallow relationshipsb

3.61 ± 1.24


1.54 ± 1.54

Eight questions

 1. It is best not to associate with colleagues who have been treated for mental illness

1.11 ± 0.70

 2d. It is wrong to shy away from people with mental illness

1.46 ± 0.68

 3. It would bother me to work with colleagues who had been in a mental hospital

1.81 ± 0.75

 4. I would be against any daughter of mine marrying a man who had been in a mental hospital

1.54 ± 0.73

 5. I would rather not hire a person with mental illness who had been in a mental hospital

1.75 ± 0.79

 6. Leaders with psychosis who have been in a mental hospital should not be allowed to lead

1.79 ± 0.76

 7d. If I needed a babysitter, I would be willing to hire a woman with a history of mental illness

1.19 ± 0.66

 8. I would not ride in a taxi driven by someone who had been in a mental hospital

1.88 ± 0.859

  1. SDSC Social Distance Scale-Chinese version, PWMI People with mental illness
  2. aThe work relations subscale includes item 1, item 3 and item 6
  3. bThe shallow relationships include item 4 and item 8
  4. cThe employment subscale includes item 5
  5. dItem 2 and item 7 were reversal items and were reverse scores